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Opening hours for nearest Stf Vandrarhem in Sodertalje

This STF Vandrarhem is located 26.7 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/1-15 - 31/12-151/1-16 - 31/12-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info
This STF Vandrarhem is located 27.2 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/1-15 - 31/12-151/1-16 - 31/12-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info
This STF Vandrarhem is located 27.6 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/1-15 - 31/12-151/1-16 - 31/12-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info
This STF Vandrarhem is located 29.4 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/1-15 - 31/12-151/1-16 - 31/12-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info
This STF Vandrarhem is located 29.6 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/1-15 - 31/12-151/1-16 - 31/12-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info
This STF Vandrarhem is located 31 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/6-15 - 30/8-151/6-16 - 31/8-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info
This STF Vandrarhem is located 32.3 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/1-15 - 31/12-151/1-16 - 31/12-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info
This STF Vandrarhem is located 36 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/1-15 - 31/12-151/1-16 - 31/12-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info
This STF Vandrarhem is located 36.5 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/1-15 - 31/12-151/1-16 - 31/12-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info
This STF Vandrarhem is located 38.5 km from here.

Regular Opening Hours (Not valid during holidays!):

Säsongsöppet 1/1-15 - 31/12-151/1-16 - 31/12-16


08-463 21 00
Map & Info

About STF Vandrarhem

STF, Svenska Turistföreningen, har vandrarhem, Fjällstugor och Turiststationer på många orter i Sverige. Både i fjällen, längs Sveriges stränder och kuster och också inne i storstäderna. STFs vandrarhem erbjuder boende till bra priser både till semestern och för tjänsteresan som alternativ till hotell. Närmaste vandrarhem hittar du på

Alternatives to STF Vandrarhem

I Sverige finns det många vandrarhem. Flera av dem drivs av Svenska Turistföreningen, STF. Andra drivs av föreningar eller privat. Många fjällstugor bedrivs som vandrarhem och vandrarhem fungerar också bra som alternativ till hotell inne i städerna.

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  • STF Vandrarhem sodertalje
  • STF Vandrarhem opening hours sodertalje
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  • When opens STF Vandrarhem
  • Opening hours nearest STF Vandrarhem
  • Opening hours STF Vandrarhem
  • When opens STF Vandrarhem sodertalje
  • Opening hours nearest STF Vandrarhem sodertalje
  • Opening hours STF Vandrarhem sodertalje